A Message from our Principal

“Excellence is never an accident, it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.”



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Dear ICAGeorgia Community,

I would like to welcome everyone to the International Charter Academy of Georgia!  It is a privilege to serve as Principal of ICAGeorgia, a place where students are at the center of all decisions.  ICAGeorgia is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn, supportive families interested in their children’s education, and a dedicated professional staff committed to providing the students with the highest quality education. At ICAGeorgia we strive to provide a rigorous, standards-based curriculum focused on students and their individual needs. We believe in bridging cultural, social, and academic differences “to broaden students’ horizons so they may become global citizens who promote peace around the world.” Whether it’s finding ways to enhance our instruction through the use of technology or participating in ongoing professional development, as a community of learners, our educators are constantly looking for ways to improve and refine our practices to better serve our students.

I would like to encourage each family to stay active in their child’s education.  I certainly realize that many of you lead busy lives, and it is often difficult to volunteer at school.  However, taking just a few minutes in the evening to read to your child, talk with your child about school, or simply see that your child is organized for the next school day can have great benefits. Education is a partnership between the school and the home, and we are fully vested in partnering with families to make sure each child reaches their full potential. We have always had wonderful family participation, and I look forward to continuing in this tradition. In advance, thank you for all of your support!

It is my hope that you and your child enjoy being a part of this international community of learners and all the excitement it will bring!  Together we are ICAG Strong!

Felecia Tucker-Jones

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The best way to learn more about our school’s mission and immersion program is to see it in action for yourself. We invite you to schedule a tour and learn more about us.

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